The additional and session judge of Rupnagar court yesterday acquitted Jathedar Jagtar Singh Hawara in Bhaniara Dera Blast Case.
The case was decided by Additional District and Sessions Judge Sunita Kumari Sharma. While providing the information, advocate Sarabjit Singh said that the hearing has been concluded through video conferencing resulted the acquittal of Hawara. However, the prosecution failed to prove the charges against Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara.
Bhaniara Dera Blast Case
As per media reports, a bomb had exploded near the dera of Piara Singh Bhaniarawala at Dhamana village near Nurpur Bedi on January 9, 2005. The police had booked Hawara under Sections 3,4 of the Explosives Act.
Jathedar Hawara is currently lodged in Tihar Jail, Delhi.
It has been learnt that besides this, Bhai Hawara was facing five cases with multiple charges in Ropar local court. Moreover, he has got relieved from three cases and two are still pending with their trail. On February 24, he was acquitted due to lack of evidence in a case registered under the Arms Act. On April 18, he was acquitted in a case registered against him under the TADA and the Arms Act on September 22, 1991. Now he is facing trial in two other cases in a local court.